We want to make all of our members aware of the Boots on the Ground Peer Support Help Line for First Responders. Created by a 30 year veteran of Peel Police, Dave McLennan, this peer support network is a much needed & appreciated resource for our TPS Members. Please visit the Boots on the Ground website and take note of their
24/7 peer support line at 1-833-677-2668

At TBTB we believe that Peer Support is a valuable resource in helping our TPS members and their families. We are here to relate and support you in times of need.
Please reach out to initiate a 1:1 conversation with a trained peer supporter.
Want to talk?
Call us direct: (647) 249-7121
- Date and Time TBDOnline Event


Please read our Code of Conduct and Confidentiality Policy so that you feel secure in knowing that we value your privacy and safety.
If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, please contact your local crisis line at 416-408-HELP or 1-800-668-6868, family doctor, or go to the nearest hospital.
We can help by connecting you with a Peer Supporter who:
will provide you with privacy and a quiet hour to have a Peer Support session (in-person or over the phone)
is trained in mental health and well-being and adheres to the TBTB Peer Support Policies & Guidelines
who can connect you to programs and resources specific to your needs.
All conversations are kept in the strictest of confidence. Telephone calls are not recorded.
Please click on the following link if you would like strategies on coping as a family and your officer/civilian member: Coping Strategies for Family
Please click on the following link if you are an officer/civilian member and would like strategies on coping through a critical incident: Post Critical Incident Strategies
Confidentiality Disclosure
All conversations are kept in the strictest of confidence. Telephone calls are not recorded.
Confidentiality may be broken in the following circumstances:
there is disclosure or evidence of serious risk of harm to the individual, as in a threatened or attempted suicide
there is disclosure or evidence of a serious risk of harm to others
there is disclosure or evidence of physical, sexual or serious emotional abuse or neglect
there is disclosure or evidence of serious self-harm (including drug or alcohol misuse that may be life-threatening)
there is evidence of serious mental illness.
In the event that we need to break confidentiality, the individual will be advised of our actions and the local 911 services will be notified.